Visual description: White woman with blonde hair and glasses
Visual description: White woman with blonde hair and glasses

Emelia (Emmy) Thompson

Hello! I am Emmy (she/her). I am a second year grad student at The University of Michigan studying Science in Information with a focus on UX research and design. I am currently looking for full time roles in UX Design/UX Research/Product Design starting in Summer 2023.

While interning at Walt Disney Animation Studios, I worked to improve quality of life and accessibility in the pipeline. I have also worked with triple A game companies to help improve player's satisfaction and longevity in mobile, console, and PC games.

I aim to combine entertainment with accessibility in order to create products and interfaces that resonate with all users regardless of age or ability. 

Outside of work, I love to play video games, cosplay, and watch wait times on the Disney Parks App! 

Want to talk?

Me too! Reach out to me about professional roles or just sharing your favorite anime (mine is Detective Conan): 


View Resume: Link


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